(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

SouperBowl 2019

Sat.Jan.26th Road Runner Food Bank’s annual fundraiser Souper Bowl is held every January, the weekend prior to the NFL’s Super Bowl.  Rather than a football event, this is a soup and dessert sampling event featuring restaurants and local chefs.  In addition to...

WinterBrew 2019

The 8th annual New Mexico Brewers Guild WinterBrew festival returns to the Santa Fe Farmers Market Pavilion on Friday, January 11. This year’s festival will feature multiple brand new breweries from around the state, a slew of Santa Fe favorites, and many...

January Comedy Show

Next Turtle Show is Jan.5th! This month’s lineup: Curt Fletcher, Fred Hawkes, Greg Ziomek, Joe Tullar, and Sam Harter. Hosted by Eddie Stephens. ♫ A Turtle Show, is a comedy show! A super-duper show! And brother don’t you know…♫ ♫ That a Turtle...

Holiday Hours

The Pub wil be CLOSED Mon.Dec.24th Tues.Dec.25th Mon.Dec.31st so our employees can celebrate with friends & family at home. but OPEN regular hours Tues.Jan.1 HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Doppel Equis Steinundator – 20th Anniversary Steinbock   With the help...

Turtle Holiday Party

Our annual Employee Holiday Party is Wed.Dec.19th so we will be closing at 4:00pm to enjoy some holiday cheer with our Turtle family. As we tend to enjoy enjoying holiday cheer, we won’t re-open until 1:00pm Thurs.Dec.20th. Happy Holidays!!! Doppel Equis...

2018 Harvest Brewer’s Banquet

Join us Oct.23rd for a very special, celebratory, Brewer’s Banquet Welcome to Fall Yum Yum Noir a Blackberry, Black Currant Sour The Pumpkin Patch Roast Poblano & Pumpkin Soup, Mixed Semillas, Herbed Crema paired with Vienna SMLSH a Single Malt, Single Hop...