(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

Get Bock Inside! 2020.x

OG 12.4°P / IBU 20 / ABV 4.7 / G↓
Turtle Mountain’s premium quarantine beer. Designed to sessionable specifications, so one may drink prolongedly in the safety of the household. Hopped with …

Oktürtlefest 2020

Oktürtlefest 2020       OG 1.047 / IBU 27 / ABV 5.11 / G↓   Over 200 years ago, Crown Prince Ludwig held an enormous festival in the middle of what is now Munich, Germany to celebrate his marriage to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen. Little did he know that,...

Preamble Pils – American Pilsner

OG 1.044 / IBU 18 / ABV 4.93 / G↓   
We the brewers of Turtle Mountain, in order to form a more perfect union, establish a grain bill of domestic Pilsner malt and rice, to provide …

Stürm Lager – Helles Bock

OG 1.060 / IBU 30 / ABV 6.5   
With open hand and mouth we explore the grassy fields of Germania. Pleasant are the yellowed planes of the agricola, favorable and fertile with flavor. The nectar of the terrain, can only come forth with Stürm…

Get Bock Inside! 2020.v

OG 1.053 / IBU 20 / ABV 5.37   
Turtle Mountain’s premier quarantine beer. Designed sessionably, so one may drink prolongedly in the safety of the household…

Ascendancy – Dortmunder Export

OG 1.058 / IBU 23 / ABV 5.36   
Behold the 21st anniversary lager, a different approach to anniversary beers, this beer is more tame and easily enjoyed. A simple combination of German Pilsner with Mittelfruh and Czech Saaz. Being less fragrant than a true pilsner, yet dry and with…