Jun 19, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past, Seasonal
OG 1.042 / IBU 13 / ABV 4.4
What could be better on a hot day than a clean, cold lager and a turkey leg?! Nothing? That’s correct! In celebration of Rio Rancho’s Pork’n’Brew festival, we whipped up our summertime American light lager…
May 23, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.067 / IBU 30 / ABV 6.7
A true German style high-alcohol lager. “keller”, meaning cellar, was the traditional way for German style beers to rest and lager. They were unfiltered and unfined. The result is a slightly hazy finished beer…
May 1, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.048 / IBU 35 / ABV 5.5
Love traditional lagers, bro? We got ya covered. This Pilsner heralds not from Pilsen, Germany, but from Bohemia; the Czech Republic. In keeping to style…
Mar 17, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.080 / IBU 31 / ABV 7.0 / Fl.Oz. 22
What most don’t know is that Tim managed to corral some of Odin’s forces, sequestering them into French Oak Pinot Noir barrels, leaving them to wait out the winter, deep in a corner of the Turtle brewery, to develop even more depth and complexity. With Spring upon us…
Mar 6, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past, Seasonal
OG 1.050 / IBU 23 / ABV 5.6
The essential spring time German lager. Märzen is in fact the vernal equivalent to the autumnal Oktoberfest; grist to yeast, these two are twins. Märzen features a backbone of Vienna, Munich, and Pilsner malts…
Jan 15, 2015 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.048 / IBU 23 / ABV 4.7
Translation: MUNICH, the Bavarian city famous for its traditional lagers & DUNKEL meaning dark. TMBC’s Munich-style dark lager is satisfying, to be sure. Dark brown in color yet vibrantly clear…