Nov 15, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.054 / IBU 35 / ABV 6.6
Our way of saying, ”Goodbye summer. We love you.”
Featuring a unique blend of both French and Belgian strains of yeast, this saison offers the fantastic complexity of both aroma and palate. All the flavors of banana and spiciness are..
Nov 15, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.056 / IBU 18 / ABV 5.6
To celebrate the autumn harvest season, we’ve whipped up a fantastic new pumpkin offering. This copper colored ale features NM grown pumpkin in the mash, and fresh whole spices including…
Nov 15, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.052 / IBU 23 / ABV 5.2
A very special brew, fittingly featuring a touch of lactose, created in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Turtle Mountain will donate $1 for every pint to…
Oct 1, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.072 / IBU 20 / ABV 6.0
Rich, sweet stout featuring pounds and pounds of lactose sugars. Delicious chocolate notes abound with a chewy mouthfeel and an everlasting head…
Sep 29, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.052 / IBU 25/ ABV 4.8
Slightly sweet, summer-time, sippin’ session. Lovely, light, lazy-time, lemony, likable lager. Happy, half-a-Helles. Go, Go, gadget-goodtimes!
Aug 4, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
IBU stupid good / ABV 7.5
Turtle’s entry into the 2014 NM Brewer’s Guild IPA Challenge smashes the doors of perception (or more correctly, the ceiling) topping out at 120+ International Bittering Units! A measurement of 100-120 IBUs is widely considered to be the absolute limit of human understanding (or more correctly, discernability). We are rightly proud of our solid 4th place finish…