(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

Por Mi Vida 2022

Key Lime Mexican Lager

OG 12.1°P / IBU 30 / ABV 5.05 / G↓
This light, well-proportioned lager is strongly Mexican with a German influence. Not only did the Viennese bring Mexico occupation in the 1860s, they also brought beer. Their beer is what stayed

411 : Missing in the Mild 2022

English Dark Mild

OG 10.4°P / IBU 26 / ABV 3.88 / G↓
A perfect hiking beer. You are recommended to carry many essentials during any voyage in the wilderness. An individual first aid kit, flint and tinder, plenty of water, a GPS device, this beer, and a breathalizer …

Koi No Yokan 2022

Japanese Rice Pale Lager

OG 10.1°P / IBU 27 / ABV 4.55 / G↓
Koi No Yokan 恋の予感 – trust in the inevitability of love. With toasted flaked rice layered upon pilsen malt and a light touch of Sorachi Ace, we trust in the inevitability that you will love the lemony sweet and hint of cedarwood in this brew.

Sierra Nueva 2022

American Pale – Homage Ale

OG 12.7°P / IBU 43 / ABV 5.85
We’re excited to bring back this classic beer style which takes your palate back to 1981.
Sierra Nueva is our homage to an ale that changed the attitudes towards hops and microbrews for millions across the United States and sparked the American craft beer movement …