(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

Deutsches Pils 2023.iii

OG 12°P / IBU 36 / ABV 5.28
This beautifully attenuated light lager boasts mainly pilsner malt with just a touch of Vienna for character. It’s closely related to one of our most popular beers but shines a lustrous straw gold while showcasing Germanic hops such as Magnum, Saphir and …

Por Mi Vida 2022

Key Lime Mexican Lager

OG 12.1°P / IBU 30 / ABV 5.05 / G↓
This light, well-proportioned lager is strongly Mexican with a German influence. Not only did the Viennese bring Mexico occupation in the 1860s, they also brought beer. Their beer is what stayed


OG 10.8°P / IBU 24 / ABV 4.4 / G↓
A very basic but elegant Pilsner of German descent. Hops include the legendary Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, the quintessential hop that defines the class of Noble hops – “sweet, earthy and herbal with …

Koi No Yokan 2022

Japanese Rice Pale Lager

OG 10.1°P / IBU 27 / ABV 4.55 / G↓
Koi No Yokan 恋の予感 – trust in the inevitability of love. With toasted flaked rice layered upon pilsen malt and a light touch of Sorachi Ace, we trust in the inevitability that you will love the lemony sweet and hint of cedarwood in this brew.