(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

NMBG Collectable Pint Glass Day

July 12th, 2023

New Mexico Brewers Guild’s third Pint Glass Day, this time featuring a design with the Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout, is Wednesday. The glasses will be released at multiple guild breweries statewide.

Second Street’s creative director, Mariah Cameron Scee, is the artist again for this third run. She previously designed the Coelophysis (the NM state fossil) skeleton glass and the Smokey the Bear glass. This will be her final entry before another artist gets their chance, so if you purchase a trout glass and fill it with beer, raise it high in thanks to Mariah.

Turtle will have these awesome beer can-shaped pint glasses for sale at both locations. Get them before they’re gone!


Turtle Comedy Show – Jan.18th (3rd Saturdays) 

Turtle Comedy Show – Jan.18th (3rd Saturdays) 

Next Turtle Show is Jan.18! FREE show at Rio Rancho's 1st and best stand up comedy showcase with New Mexico's best comedians. Hosted by Eddie Stephens, this month' s lineup: Gian Hernandez, Sarah Matthes, TJ Jones, Savannah Holder, and Curt Fletcher! ♫ A Turtle Show,...

Koi No Yokan

Koi No Yokan

Japanese Rice Pale Lager

OG 12.3°P / IBU 19 / ABV 5.6
Koi No Yokan 恋の予感 – trust in the inevitability of love. With toasted flaked rice layered upon pilsen malt and a light touch of Sorachi Ace, we trust in the inevitability that you will love this brew.