May 14, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.054 / BU 22 / ABV 5.6
American Amber Ales are noted for having a mutually supportive cast of hops and malt and Okú Amber is no exception. Bright amber colors fill the pint glass as Okú is poured. A nose of light malt sweetness with light spicy rye notes are carefully balanced with soft floral and earthy hop aromas…
May 14, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past, Seasonal
OG 1.047 / IBU 25 / ABV 4.9
This malt forward Irish style red ale will pour with a light head and amber to near-red color in your pint glass. Light caramel sweetness is balanced with a low hop bitterness and a slight dry component on the palette…
Mar 31, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.089/ IBU 45 / ABV 8.7
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Our new head brewer starts off with a bang offering up this English style Brown ale for your libation pleasure. This malt forward beer offers gentle biscuit and…
Mar 3, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.080 / IBU 60 / ABV 8.7
This Turtle favorite is a tribute to the more-malty, less-hoppy English-style barleywines. Enjoy this winter warmer.