There Is No “I” in Steam – Ex Novo
IBU 40 / ABV 5.8
Deep gold/light amber color with off-white head. Toasted/bready malt aroma. Medium body. Bready malt flavor balanced with a clean hop bitterness. Hella quaffable hybrid lager/ale. Some slight fruitiness in the aroma from the warmer fermentation temperatures is balanced with the crisp finish from the Noble hops. Inspired by Anchor Steam, this beer is fermented with a lager yeast at warmer-than-normal lager temperature (in this case, 60 degrees F), which provides a bit of fruity ester character to the beer. It’s a historical style (museum beer) originally brewed in the San Francisco vicinity in the late 1800’s. From the Anchor website: “steam” was a nickname for beer brewed on the West Coast of America under primitive conditions and without ice. While the origin of the name remains shrouded in mystery, it likely relates to the original practice of fermenting the beer on San Francisco’s rooftops in a cool climate. In lieu of ice, the foggy night air naturally cooled the fermenting beer, creating steam off the warm open pans.
Turtle Comedy Show – Feb.15th (3rd Saturdays)
FREE show! Hosted by Eddie Stephens, this month’ s lineup: Jamar Hall, Cardo Madd, and Zach Abeyta!
Turtle Comedy Show – Jan.18th (3rd Saturdays)
Next Turtle Show is Jan.18! FREE show at Rio Rancho's 1st and best stand up comedy showcase with New Mexico's best comedians. Hosted by Eddie Stephens, this month' s lineup: Gian Hernandez, Sarah Matthes, TJ Jones, Savannah Holder, and Curt Fletcher! ♫ A Turtle Show,...
Koi No Yokan
Japanese Rice Pale Lager
OG 12.3°P / IBU 19 / ABV 5.6
Koi No Yokan 恋の予感 – trust in the inevitability of love. With toasted flaked rice layered upon pilsen malt and a light touch of Sorachi Ace, we trust in the inevitability that you will love this brew.