Jul 23, 2023 | Beer, Beers Past
Hopped Key Lime Lager
OG 12°P / IBU 68 / ABV 6
Fresh pale lager hopped with Azacca’s mango and papaya tones alongside Sorachi Ace’s lemon and herbal bittering tones, with Lemondrop & Contessa’s citrus & pear aromatics. The interplay between the acidity of the Key Lime and the hop selection creates a unique tasting experience.
Jul 13, 2023 | Beer, Beers Past
Baltic Porter
OG 17.3°P / IBU 30 / ABV 6.4
♫ Sippin’ this Porter, it’s like a rap battle on my tongue. Robust ABV, it’s got that power, it’s never done. Baltic vibes, dancing through the air. When we run this porter, nothing can compare.
♫ So let’s raise a glass, to this masterpiece we’ve found, with rap heads it aligns, it’s a true brew for our times. Run the Porter reigns supreme. It wears the crown!
Jul 12, 2023 | Beer, Beers Past
Baltic Porter
OG 17.3°P / IBU 30 / ABV 6.4
♫ Run the Porter, so smooth and dark. Its Baltic goodness will be leaving its mark. Crafted with love, just for me and you. Run the Porter is the brew that’s gonna run that groove!
♫ So grab a glass sip it slow, let the flavors ignite. Run the Porter takes you to new heights. A Baltic Porter so bold, making hop heads nod. It’s the beer of the gods!
May 15, 2023 | Beer, Beers Past, G↓, Seasonal
Japanese Rice Pale Lager
OG 10.1°P / IBU 19 / ABV 4.44 / G↓
Koi No Yokan 恋の予感 – trust in the inevitability of love. With toasted flaked rice layered upon pilsen malt and a light touch of Sorachi Ace, we trust in the inevitability that you will love this brew. It’s quite unlike any other in the international markets with lemony sweetness and hints of cedarwood while the rice compliments …
Feb 10, 2023 | Beer, Beers Past, G↓, Seasonal
Munich Dunkel
OG 11.8°P / IBU 24 / ABV 4 / G↓
A traditional Munich Dunkel that smacks of biscuity wonder. It is a malt profile full of aromatic and Cara malts. Slightly lower in ABV for maximum drinkability …
Dec 20, 2022 | Beer, Beers Past, G↓, Year-Round
OG 11.8°P / IBU 22 / ABV 4.75 / G↓
Geographically, stylistically & gustatorily between California Commons and Tejano Bocks, your palate comes home to our quaffable 505 Bock. Lightly-hopped with American Sterling, German Northern Brewer, Mittelfrüh, and Czech Saaz, Get Bock Inside! was …