Dec 18, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.080 / IBU 31 / ABV 7.0
The midwinter wind cuts through the world, collecting souls with Odin leading the way. Thankfully, Turtle Mountain’s unique winter warmer is here to keep the spirits at bay. Traditionally, a winter warmer is a higher alcohol ale, spiced with yuletide favorites. Our brewer took…
Sep 29, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.052 / IBU 25/ ABV 4.8
Slightly sweet, summer-time, sippin’ session. Lovely, light, lazy-time, lemony, likable lager. Happy, half-a-Helles. Go, Go, gadget-goodtimes!
Aug 4, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.042 / IBU 15 / ABV 4.6
Stars & Stripes is an American premium lager brewed with barley, corn, and freedom. Fermented with lager yeast and freedom. Tastes like freedom. Crisp, bright freedom…
Jun 10, 2014 | Beer, Beers Past
OG 1.051 / BU 25 / ABV 5.1
Our house lager has a light, golden color and soft malt sweetness derived from German pilsner malt. This traditional Munich style Helles lager is…