(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

Wild Hunt Winter Warmer

OG 1.080 / IBU 31 / ABV 7.0
The midwinter wind cuts through the world, collecting souls with Odin leading the way. Thankfully, Turtle Mountain’s unique winter warmer is here to keep the spirits at bay. Traditionally, a winter warmer is a higher alcohol ale, spiced with yuletide favorites. Our brewer took modest liberties with that tradition: Wild Hunt was fermented as a lager; colder and slower. Additionally, a significant amount of molasses assisted in boosting the alcohol of this flavor-filled winter lager. Orange peel, fresh ginger, nutmeg, and clove were added to the boil to create a surely satisfying warmer, even on those three-dog nights when Odin rides beserker astride the wind. Read about the Wild Hunt>>>


St. Patrick’s 2025

St. Patrick’s 2025

Celebrate St. Patrick's at Turtle Mountain! Yes, both pubs are normally closed on Mondays. We can't, however, let one of our favorite days of the year go by without eating some corned beef & cabbage and drinking some stout. Both pubs will be open Monday, March...

Turtle Comedy Show – Jan.18th (3rd Saturdays) 

Turtle Comedy Show – Jan.18th (3rd Saturdays) 

Next Turtle Show is Jan.18! FREE show at Rio Rancho's 1st and best stand up comedy showcase with New Mexico's best comedians. Hosted by Eddie Stephens, this month' s lineup: Gian Hernandez, Sarah Matthes, TJ Jones, Savannah Holder, and Curt Fletcher! ♫ A Turtle Show,...