(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

From Nico’s Desk 4/23

  The Governor has made it official that we will be operating under the same to-go and delivery-only restrictions until May 15th at the earliest. We anticipated and prepared for this, so our business operations reflect the partial revenue that we will be earning until then.
  During this time of grave uncertainty in the industry that I have called home for the last 21 years, I and all of my co-worker family members are humbled by the enormous level of support and generosity shown by our loyal base of friends and fans of Turtle Mountain. None of us who are happy and thankful to serve you your to-go orders would have a job without your business. Turtle Mountain could have been just another statistic in the failed restaurant column but for all of you. Instead, we soldier on, eagerly awaiting the time when we can welcome everyone back to The Pub for dine-in service.
  On behalf of everyone at Turtle Mountain, THANK YOU! We couldn’t get through this without your support.
Nico Ortiz, Proprietor, and the rest of the Turtle Mountain family.

Puppies & Pints

Puppies & Pints

Adoption EventSun.May.19th 12pm-3pm@ Turtle Mountain NorthAdoptable Dogs are Looking for a Furever Home! Join us on the petio, meet some pups, indulge your taste buds and contribute to a meaningful cause. For every pint of our special fundraising beer, $1 goes...

Lulu’s Leaves – Annual Plant Sale

Lulu’s Leaves – Annual Plant Sale

Sat.May.11th · 11am-while they last! Pothos · Philodendron · Monstera · Goldfish Plants · Snake Plants · Spider Plants · Oh My! Patio Pop-Up · Turtle Mountain NorthTHE LATEST

Adopt-a-Spot Enchanted Hills Blvd.

Adopt-a-Spot Enchanted Hills Blvd.

Keep Rio Rancho Beautiful

Turtle Mountain is looking for community-minded individuals,
like yourself, who can:

  • Take a stroll, Pick up stuff, Eat pizza, & Drink beer (more of a guideline than a rule)

Help us make this sign a reality as we adopt a mile of Enchanted Hills Blvd and Keep Rio Rancho Beautiful!

  • Saturdays, 9 am – Noon
  • May 4, July 6, Sept.7, Nov.2 …