WinterBrew 2017

Winter is coming!
(though with admittedly mild NM weather thus far)
But, it is coming!
(True winter’s harbinger being – the swift approach of NM Brewer’s Guild WinterFest, first fest of the new year)
18 NM breweries: Abbey, Bathtub Row, Blue Corn, Bosque, Bow & Arrow, Boxing Bear, Chili Line, La Cumbre, Duel, Milton’s, Rio Bravo, Rowley Farmhouse Ales, Santa Fe, Second Street, Sidetrack, Three Rivers, Tractor, and of course Turtle Mountain!
This event always sells out. So, get your tix early
$25 online from
St. Patrick’s 2025
Celebrate St. Patrick's at Turtle Mountain! Yes, both pubs are normally closed on Mondays. We can't, however, let one of our favorite days of the year go by without eating some corned beef & cabbage and drinking some stout. Both pubs will be open Monday, March...
Turtle Comedy Show – Mar.15th (3rd Saturdays)
Next Turtle Show is Mar.15! Historically, the Ides of March was a day when the Mamuralia was celebrated, a ritual that involved beating an old man dressed in animal skins out of the city.
We’ll stick with our FREE comedy show …
Turtle Comedy Show – Feb.15th (3rd Saturdays)
FREE show! Hosted by Eddie Stephens, this month’ s lineup: Jamar Hall, Cardo Madd, and Zach Abeyta!