(505) 994-9497 | (505) 404-0414

The purpose of this guestbook is to help track COVID-19 outbreaks and inform possibly exposed persons if the need arises. We will not share this information unless so ordered by the New Mexico Dept. of Health.

TMBC Contact Tracing Guestbook

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Have you been contacted by the NMDOH and/or placed under self-quarantine for COVID-19?

*Have you (or anyone in your household) in the past 14 days: •Tested positive for COVID-19? •Traveled outside of NM? •Been directly exposed to someone being under investigation for, or with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

*Have you experienced any of these symptoms today? •Fever over 100.4° •Cough (unrelated to seasonal allergies or asthma) •Shortness of Breath (unrelated to seasonal allergies or asthma) •Loss of Taste or Smell •GI Symptoms (vomit, nausea, diarrhea) •Chills •Headache •Fatigue •Shaking/Chills •Muscle Pain •Sore Throat •Congestion or Runny Nose (unrelated to seasonal allergies)